Verse 1
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all,
hear me, blest Savior, when I call;
hear me, and from thy dwelling place
pour down the riches of thy grace.

Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore;
O make me love thee more and more.

Verse 2
Jesus, too late I thee have sought;
how can I love thee as I ought?
And how extol thy matchless fame,
the glorious beauty of thy name?

Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore;
O make me love thee more and more.

Verse 3
Jesus, what didst thou find in me
that thou hast dealt so lovingly?
How great the joy that thou hast brought,
so far exceeding hope or thought!

Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore;
O make me love thee more and more.

Verse 4
Jesus, of thee shall be my song;
to thee my heart and soul belong;
all that I have or am is thine,
and thou, blest Savior, thou art mine.

Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore;
O make me love thee more and more.



Verse 1
God is working this purpose out,
as year succeeds to year;
God is working this purpose out,
and the time is drawing near;
nearer and nearer draws the time,
the time that shall surely be:
when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.

Verse 2
From utmost east to utmost west,
where human feet have trod,
by the mouth of many messengers
goes forth the voice of God:
“Give ear to me, ye continents,
ye isles, give ear to me,
that the earth may be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.”

Verse 3
Let us go forth in the strength of God,
with the banner of Christ unfurled,
that the light of the glorious gospel of truth
may shine throughout the world.
Let us all fight with sorrow and sin
to set the captives free,
that the earth may be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.

Verse 4
All we can do is nothing worth
unless God blesses the deed.
Vainly we hope for the harvest-tide
till God gives life to the seed.
Yet nearer and nearer draws the time,
the time that shall surely be,
when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
as the waters cover the sea.



Kids Konnect Resumption
Kids Konnect has resumed classes today and are running a ‘back
to school drive’ to donate used items to charity. Children can bring old school bags, books,
water bottles, shoes etc to donate to charity. We will have a collection point just downstairs
next week Sunday, 15th September. Please bring any nicely used item you can donate.

HTL Database Update
We are updating our database as a church. Kindly scan the QR code
at the end of service to fill out the form. Please visit the admin desk, if you require help with
completing the form. We have devices and people ready to help you after service.

Matthew’s Club Meeting
Join us on Tuesday, online at 7pm as we Examine Faith this month
of September. We will look at ‘Lessons from Abraham’ this week. Don’t miss it!

Sunday Service
15th September 2024 – Join us next week Sunday for a special time of
worship. Don’t come alone, invite your loved ones and friends to service next week Sunday.
The time is 9am right here at Odeya Center.
5. Invitation to after service refreshments: Don’t rush off after the service, make sure you say
hello to someone and have a cup of tea/coffee while at it.