Our Ministries

Saint Paul’s Academy is HTL’s discipleship and leadership development ministry. At Saint Paul’s Academy, members of HTL get the opportunity to take classes that cover various aspects of our walk as Christians. These classes glve an in-depth understanding of the word and equip us to live as Christians in today’s world and serve in church.

Attending Saint Paul’s Academy is a transformational experience that emphasizes building a personal lifelong relationship with God, as a foundation for every facet of life. Our focus is on the Word of God, applying the Word and its teachings to life in a practical and relevant way that embeds Godly character and values in our lives.

Saint Paul’s Academy has a broad suite of courses for everyone – from new believers to seasoned Christians. The academy also offers some adhoc courses on family, business, health and other aspects of life.

The Men’s Ministry is God’s tool for developing HTL men.

The mission of the Men’s ministry is to provide the men with resources to build godly character and equip them to influence their world and market place for our Lord Jesus Christ. This ministry provides opportunities that lead to the development of significant and relevant relationships amongst men, encourages men to play their part in church and support church Initiatives

This in-ministry encourages the men to be the best husband, father, brother friend, employee, and/or entrepreneur God has called them to be.

The HTL Women’s ministry is for every woman in HTL.

The mission of the women’s ministry at HTL is to ensure that every woman at HTL understands her value. Her value to her family, her work/business and to the society as a whole. They provide resources that are particularly useful to women to help develop godly character and become all that God has called them to be. This ministry aims to help the women at HTL to fulfill their purpose irrespective of what they have been through so she can be a blessing in her home, in the church or at her place of work.

It gives opportunities for the women to get to know other Christian women and be their sister’s keeper.

Trinity Symphony is HTL’s music team, with a mandate to “lead us into his presence”.

They create an atmosphere of worship that allows us to enter the presence of God with ease. Our music is a blend of Orthodox and Contemporary styles. Our hymns and special numbers have influences from different genres from classical to Jazz to traditional Nigerian Worship. Through our music, you get an insight into who we are as a church – we love to worship God.

HTL is devoted to being a House of Prayer.

Prayer ensures we constantly communicate and hear from God As a church 1 is essential that we are led by the Spirit. We have a special mandate at HTL to “pray without ceasing”, which ensures we establish a foundation of dependence on God and we stay relevant in today’s society so we can fulfill our mandate as church.


TeenCity is the teenage expression of Holy Trinity Lagos. It Focuses on teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 years. TeenCity is headed by Pastor Kola Ladejobi, ably supported by his wife Seyi. Together with a team of gifted men and women, they are responsible for the spiritual growth and development of all the teenagers in the Church.

TeenCity has various transformational Programs designed to nurture, instruct, inspire, ignite and holistically grow the young adults through the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Vision
TeenCity exists to encourage and grow a community of young and vibrant teenagers
with a strong spiritual foundation, empowering and equipping them to
discern and fulfill their purpose in God’s kingdom.

Our Mission
As seen in Luke 2: 52, we were given some insights into how Jesus lived through His teenage years. In the same vain, our goal is:

– To grow in wisdom

– To grow in stature

–  To grow in favour with people

–  To grow in Favour with God

We take delight in welcoming every teenager into our midst, every Sunday. We meet between 8:45 am and 10:30 am. We address contemporary teenage issues and reach out to the ‘un-churched’. We also have in-depth Bible study in small groups facilitated by volunteer adult leaders, with the aim of encouraging our youth to read and interact with the Bible. Sundays are also packed with vocalists and instrumentalists that specialize in developing and leading teenagers in worship.


Kids Konnect and Teen Church respectively. This ministry caters for children from 2 to 19 years old.

The children are taught to know God for themselves and build a relationship with Him (independent of their parents. The curriculum is based on the Word, Music and Artistic Expression (dance, drama, arts etc.). The teachers make the Bible come alive, they help the children see that it is as relevant today as it was in the bible times. The children have a lot of fun whilst learning about God and are free to fully express themselves. The children are encouraged to develop their gifts and talents and use them for God’s purpose.

Kids Konnect also caters for children with Special Needs and incorporates a ministry for Nannies.


Communication manages the HTL information communicated internally and externally.

The objective is to engage members of the church and keep them informed of various activities and events. In so doing we provide platforms for general information about the church and upcoming events, both in paper form – HTL bulletins, and online – through HTL Whatsapp Groups, HTL website and Social Media.

Communication oversees Publicity (which handles promotion of all church activities) and Publication (which handles HTL printed documents) Our HTL brand is also managed under this ministry. This includes putting in place, processes and procedures to set standard that check production of materials and services associated with the brand.

The mandate of the e-Church team is to spread the impact of HTL through Technology, by engaging the world online e-church is also responsible for managing our online prayers and as well as our social media. They ensure that all HTL does online is fully representative of who we are as Christians and brings glory to God.


The Follow Up team is responsible for engaging new guests to HTL.

After the service, this team gets an opportunity to speak to all new guests, they get to share the vision of the church and tell them more about HTL This unique evangelical team continues to interact with new guest for weeks following their visit till they are Integrated in the church.

Holy Police are the first point of contact when you get to our premises.

This team is responsible for Parking and Security. The Holy Police ensure there is order outside the church which in tum ensures that congregants can leave after the service with ease.


At Holy Trinity Lagos, the Hospitality team is vital to our after service fellowship.

This team provides snacks with tea, coffee and water for the congregants, thereby encouraging members to fellowship with one another. The role of the Hospitality Team is to create a family atmosphere that encourages the members of the church to go beyond being Sunday to Sunday acquaintances and build friendships that bring glory to God, it encourages members to be their brother’s keeper.


The HTL usher is the first person a congregant meets when entering the church.

Ushers ensure the smooth running at the church service and minister to people in a variety of ways during the service. Ushers maintain order and minimize distractions throughout the service. They are there to help and provide information where necessary.


The HTL Protocol first responsibility is to the Resident Vicar A member of the team ensures the Vicar has all he needs throughout the service. They are also responsible for managing all arrangements made for Guest Ministers. This team serves as HTL’s first point of contact for all our invited ministers. They ensure that all logistics and administrative matters related to their visit are handled efficiently and properly Integrated into the service.

This team works hand in hand with the Pastors to ensure that the church s fully aware of what is going on with its members.

They are responsible for keeping the church informed about major events in the lives of its members such as new births and baby dedications, deaths and funerals. This team ensures that HTL provides the spiritual, physical and material support for members.


As a church our mandate is to go into the world and proclaim the good news, The Evangelism team is responsible for making sure we fulfill that mandate.

This team is tasked with leading the work of bringing in a harvest of souls through our church programs or other special programs that are aimed at the lost as well as any other innovative ways of preaching the gospel.

This team works hand in hand with the Pastors to ensure that the church is fully aware of what is going on with its members.

They are responsible for keeping the church informed about major events in the lives of its members such as new births and baby dedications, deaths and funerals. This team ensures that HTL provides the spiritual, physical and material support for members.


At HTL, We worship with a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary genres. We are a family of God’s people with a mandate to establish Godly values in our Homes, our Communities and our Nation.


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